Case details

Court: nhd
Docket #: 1:14-cv-00294
Case Name: USA v. $695.00 US Currency et al
PACER case #: 40921
Date filed: 2014-07-03
Date terminated: 2016-04-11
Date of last filing: 2014-12-08
Assigned to: Judge Paul J. Barbadoro
Case Cause: 21:881 Forfeiture Property-Drugs
Nature of Suit: 625 Drug Related Seizure of Property
Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Jurisdiction: U.S. Government Plaintiff


Represented Party Attorney & Contact Info
Robert J. Rabuck
US Attorney's Office (NH) James C. Cleveland Federal Building 53 Pleasant St, 4th Flr Concord, NH 03301-0001 603 225-1552 Email:

$695.00 US Currency
more or less, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH otherPhat Stuff
TD Bank Account No. 9240737655
Business Core Checking Account, funds in the amount of $3,737.23, in the name of Phat Stuff
TD Bank Account No. 9244068759
Business Convenience Checking Account, funds in the amount of $906.78, in the name of Phat Stuff
TD Bank Account No. 9734334339
Savings Account, funds in the amount of $9,871.00, in the name of Panagiotes J. Eliopoulos TERMINATED: 04/07/2016 otherPanagiotes J. Eliopoulos TERMINATED: 04/07/2016
Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011
NH Reg. #2977098, VIN #1FT7W2B68BEA60933, registered to Panagiotes Eliopoulos and Katie Eliopoulos otherKatie Eliopoulos
Jay M. Niederman
Niederman Stanzel & Lindsey 55 West Webster St Manchester, NH 03104 603 668-5960 Email:

Bongs, glass
One lot of forty two boxes of assorted glass bongs, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes, glass water
One lot of twelve boxes of assorted glass water pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes, glass carburetor
One lot of twenty one boxes of assorted glass carburetor pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes, carburetor
One box of assorted carburetor pipes, sezied from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes, glass
One lot of four boxes of assorted glass pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Grinders, with screens
One box of assoted grinders, with screens, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Rolling Papers
One lot of two boxes of assorted rolling papers, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
One lot of four boxes of assorted grinders, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
One lot of four boxes of assorted glassware, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Hookah Pipes
One lot of fifteen boxes of assorted hookah pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
One lot of two boxes of assorted vaporizers seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Diversion Safes
One box of assorted diversion safes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes and digital scales
One box of assorted pipes and digital scales, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes, glass and metal chamber
One box of assorted glass pipes and metal chamber pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Diversion hides and stone pipes
One box of assorted diversion hides and stone pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Mouth Pieces
One box of assorted glass mouth pieces, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Mouth Pieces, Glassware and Electronic Cigarettes
One box of assorted glass mouth pieces, glassware and electronic cigarettes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Bongs, ceramic
One box of assorted ceramic bongs, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Chillums, glass
One box of assorted glass chillums, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
One box of assorted chillums, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Carburetor pipes and carburetor mask
One box of assorted carburetor pipes and a carburetor mask, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Pipes, ceramic
One lot of two boxes of assorted ceramic pipes, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
One box of containers of 420 cleaner, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Carburetor masks
One box of assorted carburetor masks, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH
Panogiotes Eliopoulos
Charles J. Keefe
Wilson Bush & Keefe PC 378 Main St Nashua, NH 03060 603 595-0007 Fax: 603 595-0070 Email:

Katie Eliopoulos
Charles J. Keefe
(See above for address)

Katie Eliopoulos
Charles J. Keefe
(See above for address)


Date Filed Document # Attachment # Short Description Long Description Upload date SHA1 hash
2014-07-03 1 0 Verified COMPLAINT for Forfeiture In Rem with Jury Demand filed by USA. (Attachments: # 1 Summons and Warrant of Arrest In Rem, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet, # 3 Doc. date and signature page - Complaint)(lml) (Entered: 07/03/2014) 2015-09-19 01:28:08 b069e7319873ee26a02d02d9fbe846de6cda35c8
1 1 Summons and Warrant of Arrest In Rem 2016-08-06 03:07:04 c8e753a403beb476db8821128741c477976c261d
1 2 Civil Cover Sheet 2016-08-06 03:07:28 e35f1b63a36b9232776ee5a42788a9daf24a93fe
1 3 Doc. date and signature page - Complaint 2016-08-06 03:07:41 74b881f65828d30042c9bc16c57a66d557d8aa06
2014-07-03 2 0 MOTION to Seal Case and Docket Entries at Level II Up to and Including July 15, 2014 filed by USA. (Attachments: # 1 Doc. date and signature page - Motion)(lml) (Entered: 07/03/2014) 2015-09-19 01:24:48 c2ed65854d245de0a1c2ec01d87a5a2bfce6d400
2 1 Doc. date and signature page - Motion 2016-08-06 03:08:32 09211027ed919c416f6bb7a8770aed522291367f
2014-07-14 3 0 Letter to Clerk of Court from Attorney Robert Rabuck re: confirming that this case can be unsealed (mm) (Entered: 07/15/2014) 2015-09-19 01:25:52 4eb578602fda26531ec1f78d5623121725478ee3
2014-07-15 4 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: seized on 7/9/14, on 2 TD Bank Accounts, cash, Holiday club.(mm) (Entered: 07/16/2014) 2015-09-19 01:26:02 dfa751413cfe12bf7b5bfca842ab239517d5f46c
2014-07-16 5 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: served on 7/9/14, on 2011 Ford Truck held by USM.(mm) (Entered: 07/17/2014) 2015-09-19 01:26:12 cf4f7b2d3beff05d3ca6b3d90fb22ebd8a0955a0
2014-07-23 6 0 AFFIDAVIT of Service of Forfeiture Complaint served on Charles Keefe, Esq., counsel for Katie Eliopoulos , filed by USA. Forfeiture Complaint served on 7/18/2014. Claim due on 8/21/2014.(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 07/23/2014) 2015-09-19 01:26:21 d1e2762242dd34d802e9d3511e07ad7f27a635cd
2014-07-23 7 0 AFFIDAVIT of Service of Forfeiture Complaint served on Charles Keefe, Esq., Counsel for Panagiotes Eliopoulos , filed by USA. Forfeiture Complaint served on 7/18/2014. Claim due on 8/21/2014.(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 07/23/2014) 2015-09-19 01:26:34 57d504a5c69172dded7f405d584ec6b593a1ef88
2014-07-28 8 0 AFFIDAVIT of Service of Forfeiture Complaint served on Ford Motor Credit , filed by USA. Forfeiture Complaint served on 7/18/2014. Claim due on 8/21/2014.(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 07/28/2014) 2015-09-19 01:26:43 e58cc49a21a56aa75502178171063591c1f53486
2014-08-01 9 0 US Marshal Service of Process Receipt and Return as to $695.00 in U.S. Currency, seized from Phat Stuff, Keene, NH, et al.(vln) (Entered: 08/06/2014) 2015-09-19 01:37:37 0c162e169b4bdfcc51a2487c1cd990a0925bf306
2014-08-20 10 0 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Charles J. Keefe on behalf of Panogiotes Eliopoulos, Katie Eliopoulos Attorney Charles J. Keefe added to party Panogiotes Eliopoulos(pty:clm).(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 08/20/2014) 2015-09-19 01:27:06 be44d6bb64f7ff93057c5bb2b2aa30cc334af6d4
2014-08-20 11 0 NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Charles J. Keefe on behalf of Katie Eliopoulos Attorney Charles J. Keefe added to party Katie Eliopoulos(pty:clm).(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 08/20/2014) 2015-09-19 01:27:16 b7aa2e9b15cc7c5f667f33ffef0b29779084b4d0
2014-08-20 12 0 NOTICE of Claim Pursuant to Rule G(5)(a)(i) of the Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims by Panogiotes Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 08/20/2014) 2015-09-19 01:27:25 d20d864728ccd9e361673ec1832f8dde2c126011
2014-08-20 13 0 NOTICE of Claim Pursuant to Rule G(5)(a)(i) of the Supplemental Rules for Certain Admiralty and Maritime Claims by Katie Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 08/20/2014) 2015-09-19 01:27:35 470d7bc84205fc1ba418e8938ca95b652e0a0002
2014-08-21 14 0 SERVICE by Publication filed by USA. Last publication date 8/15/2014. Claim due on 9/18/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Advertisement Certification Report, # 2 Legal Notice)(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 08/21/2014) 2015-09-19 01:27:52 e4e31f6b4ed1fe606421ef7cf489c80c73fb7422
14 1 Advertisement Certification Report 2016-08-06 03:09:53 5beb1eb96779fc8450795a9f6cbfe074bb142275
14 2 Legal Notice 2016-08-06 03:10:07 67635a5f2c0e1c96c55a14e599496f6de1a54be0
2014-08-22 15 0 Assented to MOTION to Extend Time to Answer filed by Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011. Attorney Jay M. Niederman added to party Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011(pty:dft). (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Niederman, Jay) (Entered: 08/22/2014) 2015-09-19 01:28:28 36c8ba75ebcaade77db0f97328a091f1ddc0bc73
15 1 Proposed Order 2015-09-19 01:28:36 b1806d0540dbc6adb9c5e5d6638d22f369bdf694
2014-08-22 16 0 Disclosure Statement by Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011 disclosing a parent company, one or more publicly traded companies, and no merger agreement. (Niederman, Jay) (Entered: 08/22/2014) 2015-09-19 01:28:47 bd80412b2a924cd61e87f9373ae6d8b2765ec953
2014-09-04 17 0 CLAIM for Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011 by Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011. Answer Follow Up on 9/29/2014.(Niederman, Jay) (Entered: 09/04/2014) 2015-09-19 01:29:03 372abfdcb7b760f933e825b5e4aa436501a579ae
2014-09-04 18 0 VERIFIED ANSWER to Complaint for Forfeiture filed by Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011.(Niederman, Jay) (Entered: 09/04/2014) 2015-09-19 01:29:14 199e8a5d54c83afa19a59e39e3db1ddd3156ff43
2014-09-18 19 0 Assented to MOTION to Extend Time to Answer to today filed by Katie Eliopoulos. Attorney Charles J. Keefe added to party Katie Eliopoulos(pty:clm).(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 09/18/2014) 2015-09-19 01:29:29 288c7658d7f5885b58e28ec5e9f36d6020d4af9d
2014-09-18 20 0 ANSWER to Complaint for Forfeiture filed by Katie Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 09/18/2014) 2015-09-19 01:29:41 b6353e73251762a5dcdbfab18c65b30410a14c92
2014-09-18 21 0 Assented to MOTION to Extend Time to Answer to today filed by Panogiotes Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 09/18/2014) 2015-09-19 01:29:50 333cd47a7ff7f63d6dafdc918374005d1ba524eb
2014-09-18 22 0 ANSWER to Complaint for Forfeiture filed by Panogiotes Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 09/18/2014) 2015-09-19 01:29:59 9df2772c7f8c711528da8828834df75a897ac6f1
2014-10-08 23 0 Assented to MOTION to Stay Proceedings filed by Katie Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 10/08/2014) 2015-09-19 01:30:16 75c78ec25865d5053fe2ca3afc04544f2191bd06
2014-10-08 24 0 Assented to MOTION to Stay Proceedings filed by Panogiotes Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 10/08/2014) 2015-09-19 01:30:25 bf34a1f3376c1ecd283b6d3fc61a065639a2e5f7
2014-10-13 25 0 OBJECTION to 23 Assented to MOTION to Stay Proceedings filed by Katie Eliopoulos. (Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 10/13/2014) 2015-09-19 01:30:36 a3fd657f37dd8cbfee8de14dfa30671481773c16
2014-10-13 26 0 OBJECTION to 24 Assented to MOTION to Stay Proceedings filed by Panogiotes Eliopoulos. (Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 10/13/2014) 2015-09-19 01:30:46 99100fc7132f78d3566be0027731788a5a3c3707
2014-10-14 27 0 Assented to MOTION to Continue The Pretrial Conference of October 20, 2014 filed by USA. Follow up on Objection on 10/31/2014.(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 10/14/2014) 2015-09-19 01:30:56 89f9bdc3342922ca06b037837b4637b4f9e792a8
2014-10-29 28 0 OBJECTION to 23 Assented to MOTION to Stay Proceedings, 24 Assented to MOTION to Stay Proceedings filed by Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011. (Niederman, Jay) (Entered: 10/29/2014) 2015-09-19 01:31:13 acdff35d350de7e2cc0624588f9222542c0f8974
2014-10-30 29 0 Amended Assented to MOTION to Stay filed by Katie Eliopoulos, Panogiotes Eliopoulos.(Keefe, Charles) (Entered: 10/30/2014) 2015-09-19 01:31:29 4ce3eecf89c3d4e99209237452e47f1e64ced668
2014-10-30 30 0 Assented to MOTION for Order of Sale 2011 Ford F-250 NH Reg. #2977098, Vin #1FT7W2B68BEA60933 filed by USA. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order for Interlocutory Sale of 2011 Ford F-250)(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 10/30/2014) 2015-09-19 01:31:45 148b594a62eec649623959af19465465fd0db395
2014-11-01 31 0 ORDER of Sale of the Ford F-250 truck So Ordered by Judge Paul J. Barbadoro.(mm) (Entered: 11/03/2014) 2015-09-19 01:32:13 1f3fbc59d4b54bc3a177cb5cb400edb32feeda1b
2014-12-04 32 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 31 Order sold on 12/2/2014: 2011 Ford F250.(js) (Entered: 12/05/2014) 2015-09-19 01:32:32 f373301513868268cbdc1bec4a9e9f0d647a7974
2014-12-08 33 0 NOTICE of Withdrawal of Claim by Ford F250 Pickup Truck 2011.(Niederman, Jay) (Entered: 12/08/2014) 2015-09-19 01:46:44 e735cedc4767922c63b06a54ca3e05966c9e10c4
2016-04-04 34 0 STIPULATION re: Settlement Agreement by USA(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 04/04/2016) 2016-08-06 03:11:12 870d4688c3a80a337bc94ecb3dfe63bf1581e3ae
2016-04-06 35 0 Assented to MOTION to Dismiss $129.00 from Defendant In Rem (1), and to Dismiss Defendant In Rem (4) filed by USA. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 04/06/2016) 2016-08-06 03:11:31 fa57afc8f5d4676cf9e1fd692b5e49a1ac29102c
35 1 Proposed Order 2016-08-06 03:11:42 db8c945dba3abbbeb38d74f312a744ab66e790c6
2016-04-06 36 0 Assented to MOTION for Order of Forfeiture of $566.00 from Defendant in rem (1), and Defendants in rem (2), (3) and (5) through (29) filed by USA. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order of Forfeiture)(Rabuck, Robert) (Entered: 04/06/2016) 2016-08-06 03:12:07 412acf3e6f9387cdcc35ec820abae6b9b175f249
36 1 Proposed Order of Forfeiture 2016-08-06 03:12:24 f73209b63a3f8c6d032ca09b1dce3979ca636d0d
2016-04-07 37 0 ORDER granting 35 Assented to MOTION to Dismiss $129.00 from Defendant In Rem (1), and to Dismiss Defendant In Rem (4). So Ordered by Judge Paul J. Barbadoro.(js) (Entered: 04/08/2016) 2016-08-06 03:12:46 34735040e9a073fb87329b1aab4b843d32741455
2016-04-07 38 0 FINAL ORDER of FORFEITURE granting 36 Assented to MOTION for Order of Forfeiture of $566.00 from Defendant in rem (1), and Defendants in rem (2), (3) and (5) through (29). So Ordered by Judge Paul J. Barbadoro.(js) (Entered: 04/08/2016) 2016-08-06 03:12:59 c1e8657c6fd4c018c31e8d4cc428baa7bab21bb8
2016-04-11 39 0 JUDGMENT is hereby entered in accordance with 34 Stipulation, 37 Order on Motion to Dismiss, 38 Order on Motion for Forfeiture. Signed by Daniel J. Lynch, Clerk of Court. (Case Closed) (js) (Entered: 04/11/2016) 2016-08-06 03:13:15 94ed46e91b641afcb3b456efe17342b3f2139a3d
2016-04-13 40 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 38 Order on Motion for Forfeiture, served on 4/12/2016, deposit $566.00 from the following defendant-in-rem, according to the Final Order of Forfeiture: CATS ID#14-DEA-598294 $695.00 In U.S. Currency.(js) (Entered: 04/13/2016) 2016-08-06 03:13:36 f980e2f76086dab08e6f3202288f15b6317c3a09
2016-04-13 41 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 38 Order on Motion for Forfeiture, served on 4/12/2016, dispose of the following defendant-in-rem, according to the Final Order of Forfeiture: CATS ID #14-DEA-598635 TO Bank Checking Account, #9244068759 ($906.78).(js) (Entered: 04/13/2016) 2016-08-06 03:13:47 379b76681269291e06cedd82f4089bcf256bfed7
2016-04-13 42 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 38 Order on Motion for Forfeiture, served on 4/12/2016, deposit the following defendant-in-rem, according to the Final Order of Forfeiture CATS ID #14-DEA-598574 Sub Res for 2011 Ford F-250 Truck ($5,519.58).(js) (Entered: 04/13/2016) 2016-08-06 03:13:58 caed5ad68f72bf70bfd12378077683ed7543ea90
2016-04-13 43 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 38 Order on Motion for Forfeiture, served on 4/12/2016, dispose of the following defendant-in-rem, according to the Final Order of Forfeiture CATS ID #14-DEA-598634 ID Bank Checking Account, #9240737655 ($3,737.23).(js) (Entered: 04/13/2016) 2016-08-06 03:14:11 01d8a217dd8f6dafde455033ecee6942ff324a2f
2016-04-18 44 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 38 Order on Motion for Forfeiture, 34 Stipulation served on 4/14/2016, Please dismiss $129.00 from the following defendant-in-rem, and return to Panagiotes Eiiopoulos, via his attorney, according to the Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Order of Dismissal: CATS ID #14-DEA-598294 $695.00 in U.S. Currency.(js) (Entered: 04/18/2016) 2016-08-06 03:14:24 ffaf0fef56d63ecafbb5a36c8c2a035016b67fcd
2016-04-18 45 0 US Marshal Service of Process re: 34 Stipulation, 37 Order on Motion to Dismiss served on 4/14/2016, Please dismiss the following defendant-in-rem, according to the Stipulated Settlement Agreement and Order of Dismissal: CATS ID #14-DEA-598596 TD Bank Holiday Club Savings Account, #9734334339 ($9,871.00).(js) (Entered: 04/18/2016) 2016-08-08 06:40:19 2e7b5c4d877787fecc36e5fa39317fc064122316